디지털 펜으로 포스트잇에 메모를 작성하면, 자동으로 휴대폰으로 SMS를 보내거나, PC의 To-do list, 혹은 스케쥴러에 입력이 된다. 또한, 작성된 메모의 내용을 tag로 보관하고 있다가, 쉽게 검색도 가능하다... MIT 미디어랩 프로젝트...
The goal of ‘Quickies’ is to bring one of the most useful inventions of the 20th century into the digital age: the ubiquitous sticky notes. Sticky (a.k.a. Post-it) notes help us manage our to-do lists, tag our objects and documents and capture short reminders or information that we may need in the near future. Keeping track of these sticky notes is a difficult task in itself. They are yet-another passive pieces of paper. ‘Quickies’ are stickies that have some intelligence and the ability to remind us about the task we ought to perform or to provide us at the right time with the information we captured in the past. ‘Quickies’ enrich the experience of using sticky notes by allowing them to be tracked and managed more effectively. The project explores how the use of RFID, Artificial Intelligence and ink recognition technologies can make it possible to create intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located, can send reminders and messages, and more broadly, can help us to seamlessly connect our physical and digital worlds.