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Sony ODO 자가발전식 디지털 카메라 컨셉


by 몬스터디자인 2007. 6. 12. 01:06


사용자 삽입 이미지
소니의 새로운 카메라 컨셉이 등장했다. 이름하여 "ODO" 스핀 스냅 카메라... 몇몇 라디오에서는 자가발전 시스템이 적용된적이 있는데, 이 휴대용 미니 스냅 카메라에 적용되었다. 구멍 2개에 손가락을 넣고 가운데를 축으로 해서 돌리면 충전이 된다고... ㅡ,.ㅡ;; 참... 재질은 재생 플라스틱이라고 한다. (참고로, 아직 이 카메라는 "아이디어 컨셉" 단계일 뿐이다...)

The Spin 'N' Snap camera, shown above, is particularly interesting. You put a finger through each hole, and spin the whole device around its centre. This turns a dynamo and creates the power to take the next photo. It's an odd echo from old, film cameras, which I only just remember, where you had to manually wind-on the film. I can really see this being enormously popular amongst a certain demographic, and the ability to have a camera on you that is always good to go, and never runs out of power, will be appealing to many.

Another device in the range is the Push POWER Play device, which is either an image or movie viewer (I can't be sure because the Google-translated site is almost unreadable). What is clear is that there is a roller on the bottom, which generates power as you drag it across the table. There is also a solar panel in the range, which could presumably power the devices if there is ample sunlight.

The release also claims that the devices are all made of recycled plastic, so their construction, as well as operation, will be as environmentally friendly as possible. I'm not sure where exactly this falls on the scale from inevitable product to wild concept, but a digital camera without a screen, and with a minimum of advanced processing functions, could run from a hand-crank. You may have to wind it before every picture, but we had to do that 20 years ago, so it won't kill you. If Sony can make these, then they definitely should, because it's a damn good idea and they would sell like hotcakes.

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