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TransPlastic by Campana Brothers


by 몬스터디자인 2007. 5. 21. 22:31


TransPlastic by Campana Brothers
사용자 삽입 이미지
브라질의 유명한 the Campana Brothers 가 새로운 가구 디자인 콜렉션을 다음달에 런던 Albion Gallery (6월 5일부터 ~ 8월 17일까지)에서 개최한다. TransPlastic이라 부르고 있는 새로운 플라스틱 의자와 조명세트들은 브라질의 Apuí라는 woven natural fibre로 제작되었다. 의자 컨셉이 왠지 낯설면서도 익숙하고, 촌스러우면서도 독특한듯한 그런 느낌...

아래는 프레스 릴리즈-------------------------------------------------------------------

5 June – 17 August 2007
to be shown for the first time at ALBION, London

The TransPlastic series tells a fictional story: in a world made of plastic and synthetic matter, a fertile ground is laid for transgenic creations. Natural fibres recover the plastic as in an immunological response: nature grows from the plastic and overpowers it.

Regular chairs, multiple-seating chairs, lamps, illuminated meteors, clouds and islands have been created by taking advantage of the elasticity of natural fibre. Taking as a starting point plastic chairs, water containers and rudimentary wood stools, natural fibre extensions were added, altering the original form. The pieces subsequently took on a geographic dimension through organic shapes, adding value and comfort to the original base material.

All the pieces are handcrafted with a very typical Brazilian fibre, Apuí. The extraction of this fibre helps preserve and control the biodiversity of the forests as Apuí suffocates and kills the trees from which they grow. These fibres are removed manually, without any tools or processes that may harm the trees.

The fibre is an analogy for this series of work; the wicker begins to grow from the plastic, suffocating and drawing nourishment from it, reinforcing the original theses of the fictional story Fernando and Humberto have chosen to tell.

In the past, all the Brazilian terraces and semi-outdoor cafes were furnished with wicker pieces. Over time, these were gradually substituted for the more practical and long-lasting plastic ones. The Campana Brothers have chosen to play with this idea and bring back the old tradition of wicker furniture in a hybrid, playful manner.

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